~~**==My life, I write...to remember==**~~

Monday, August 21, 2006

Week 33

According to my babyfit journal - Week 33, here's what's happening to my baby:

...Week 33

As delivery day draws closer, your excitement will grow right along with your tummy. At the same time don’t be surprised if you are starting to feel as if you will be pregnant forever!

Your Baby: Gaining about half a pound (0.23 kg) each week, your baby probably weighs over 4 pounds (2 kg) and measures over 19 inches (48 cm) long—what a little bundle of love! His knees will curl up towards his tiny chest as he begins to assume the classic “fetal” position. Because there is a little less room to move around in, your baby is a bit quieter now, storing up energy and getting ready for his grand entrance.


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