~~**==My life, I write...to remember==**~~

Saturday, September 23, 2006

Gabriella Violet "Una" C. Santos

Here are some of my daughter's pictures:

September 19, 2006
5.9 lbs.
Antipolo Doctor's Hospital

Saturday, September 16, 2006

Week 37


Your due date is so close that you could easily deliver at any time! Chances are very good that delivering from this week on, your baby will be healthy. Take a deep breath…labor, delivery and motherhood will all be amazing and wonderful experiences!

Your Baby: Baby's weight continues to increase, reaching around 6.5 pounds (3.2 kg) now. While baby is about 21 inches (53 cm) long, his limbs and tummy are all growing rounder and chubbier every day. His skin is less wrinkly now and most of the redness has turned to a hue that reflects your baby’s ethnic heritage. By this time, most babies descend down into your pelvis, head first, getting ready for birth. In about 3% of pregnancies, babies turn in the other direction, a situation known as a breech presentation. If this is the case for your baby, don’t worry since this often changes—sometimes just hours before labor!

Saturday, September 09, 2006

Is your worrying holding you back?

"Worry is the darkroom in which negatives are developed."

Once film negatives are exposed to the light of day, they're ruined. In the same way, once you see your worries for what they are - self-inflicted doubts - their power disappears. If you give your doubts and fears too much development time, they'll take hold and start to color all of your thinking in a negative light. Pessimists have more health problems, are less productive, and are generally unhappier than optimists. People that don't worry as much spend more time coping with the realities of life and less time occupied with would-be problems. To get rid of worry, think more confidently. Know that you can handle anything that comes along. Know that with loss comes opportunity. Know that things generally have a way of working out. Stay out of that dark room and picture something better.

Week 36


You will probably visit your health care provider on a weekly basis now—a sign that the delivery day is drawing near. Although your appointments will be frequent, they''ll also be short; bring a list of any questions you have, particularly about labor and delivery.

Your Baby: Nearly 21 inches (53 cm) long and weighing in at 6 pounds (3 kg), your baby is rapidly approaching her birth weight. You may notice your “belly” seems to have dropped and may seem slightly smaller. That’s because your baby has dropped lower in your pelvis, relieving some of the pressure on your abdomen. While she may still move around a bit in the weeks to come, generally she''ll settle comfortably in the lower part of your uterus. In the meantime, baby''s brain tissue continues to develop, and finally, the lungs and respiratory system are nearing maturity.

Friday, September 01, 2006

Week 35


As the anticipation builds, you're beginning to feel more like a “mother” every day. If you haven’t already picked out a name, start narrowing down the list now!

Your Baby: Well over 5 pounds (2.5 kg) and more than 20 inches (51 cm) long, your baby is continuing to grow at a rapid pace. If you were to give birth this week, your baby would probably need the warmth of an incubator to survive. That’s because he still doesn’t have enough fat cells to keep his body warm. But hopefully, he will have the warmth of your tummy for just a little while longer!