~~**==My life, I write...to remember==**~~

Saturday, August 26, 2006

Week 34

This is what my babyfit says about my baby on her 34th week inside me...

...Week 34

You’re probably starting to give serious thought to ideas like breastfeeding, labor and delivery. Now is a good time to begin discussing all your options with your health care provider. Meanwhile, baby is snoozing a lot, letting you run the show for a little while longer.

Your Baby: A bouncing bundle of joy at 5 pounds (2.5 kg) and nearly 20 inches (51 cm), your baby’s organs are almost fully matured with the exception of the lungs, which will continue to develop almost until birth. Though you can’t see your baby, her skin is turning from red to pink. While her fingernails are fully formed, the toenails still need more time to grow. Some babies will even have a full head of hair by this point.

Monday, August 21, 2006

Week 33

According to my babyfit journal - Week 33, here's what's happening to my baby:

...Week 33

As delivery day draws closer, your excitement will grow right along with your tummy. At the same time don’t be surprised if you are starting to feel as if you will be pregnant forever!

Your Baby: Gaining about half a pound (0.23 kg) each week, your baby probably weighs over 4 pounds (2 kg) and measures over 19 inches (48 cm) long—what a little bundle of love! His knees will curl up towards his tiny chest as he begins to assume the classic “fetal” position. Because there is a little less room to move around in, your baby is a bit quieter now, storing up energy and getting ready for his grand entrance.

Monday, August 14, 2006

Spiderman 3 Teaser

Check this out:


Thursday, August 10, 2006

Planet Mars

I got a forwarded text message from my friend about planet Mars. I thought of sharing this coz its really interesting. I've always been fascianted with planets since gradeschool. I actually dreamed of going to at least one of them. Well anyways, here's the info:

Planet Mars will be brightest in the night sky starting August. It will look as large as the fullmoon in the naked eye. This will culminate on Aug. 27 when Mars comes to within 34.65M miles to earth. Be sure to watch the sky on Aug. 27, 12:30AM. It will look like the earth has two moons. The next time Mars may come this close will be in 2287. Share this with your loved ones and friends as NO ONE ALIVE TODAY will ever see it again...

Wednesday, August 09, 2006


Ate dessa posted an interesting info on her blog that i would like to share coz i soooooooooooooooooo love Grimace!

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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Grimace (also known as "The Grimace") is a fictional character who is part of the marketing campaign of McDonald's. He is a friend of Ronald McDonald and a large, jolly fellow who looks like a large purple gumdrop with small arms and legs. He is known for his smiling face and simple demeanor.
In the first cycle of McDonaldland commercials beginning in 1971, Grimace was the "Evil Grimace", with two pairs of arms with which to steal Triple-Thick Shakes. After that first campaign, the character was revised to be one of the "good guys", and his number of arms was reduced to two.
Today, Grimace is generally portrayed in McDonalds' commercials and merchandise as a sort of well-meaning doofus, whose clumsy antics provide a comic foil to the more serious and mature Ronald McDonald.
Grimace is a fantasy character, and not intended to be anything specific. However, ever since the character's introduction there has been much speculation (though much of it tongue-in-cheek) about his appearance. Because the majority of McDonald's characters more or less directly represent a food product sold at the restaurants (ie: Mayor McCheese, Fry Guys, McNugget Buddies, etc) many have naturally tried to guess as to what, if any, food product Grimace is supposed to represent.
A common speculation is that he is supposed to be a giant McNugget, but his appearance pre-dates the release of that food. A better explanation is that he is a taste bud, though there are many more fanciful attempted explanations. In reality, Grimace's "official" role, according to McDonald's, continues to be to represent the chain's famous milkshakes. However, he does this out of love for the taste, and not because he is in any way a shake-based creature himself.
According to the McDonald's website:
Grimace is a big, loving, fuzzy purple fellow who is Ronald McDonald's best friend. He's sure Ronald is the world's ultimate authority on everything. While Grimace loves all McDonald's foods, he's absolutely crazy about milkshakes. Grimace is very enthusiastic and eager to try new things. His joyous spirit helps everyone overlook the fact he's a little slow and clumsy sometimes.
Grimace also has a relative,
Uncle O'Grimacey, a green-colored Irish-version of himself. O'Grimacey was a holiday-themed character used by McDonald's in the 1980s in celebrating St. Patrick's Day, in particular marketing its Shamrock Shake.
According to a famous line from Clerks: The Animated Series, "Nothing can kill The Grimace."
Brazil, Grimace is known by the name of Shaky.

Monday, August 07, 2006

His first year...

" Also delight yourself in the Lord and He will give you the desires of your heart."

Psalm 37:4

This is the verse that Pastor Tito has reflected on during my dad's first death anniversary last Saturday (Aug. 5). Yes, it's been a year already since he went to heaven with the Lord. My family's still in pain of missing him but is also happy for we know that he's in peace.